Young Lust

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Young Lust
A Timber Grove Story
by Trinity

Lola Fresco stared outside of her tiny window at the two young people swimming next door. The sun was out and it was a beautiful day, and the two kids next door were making the most of it. She sighed as she looked at the lovely young woman, wearing a bikini she would have never worn at her age but admiring her vibrant youth. She looked down at her frail hands and longed to be young again.

She decided to stop moping and felt it was best to start cleaning up. Her grandson had just left, and he always left a large mess behind. Since her husband, Stefon, had been lost at sea years earlier, it was up to her to maintain her little house. She walked downstairs and found her 21 year old grandson had left his swimming trunks slung over a dining room chair again. She rolled her eyes, knowing that the only two reasons her grandson came to visit were being held in place by her new neighbor’s tiny bikini top.

As she cleaned she glanced at a picture hanging on the wall, one from a very long time ago. In it stood her dead husband and herself in front of a large waterfall. She had loved to travel with her husband, as this is when they were alone and able to truly show their love for one another. As she looked at the picture more closely, she almost thought she looked like the new girl next door. “Damn,” she said aloud, “snap out of it, Lola.”

After gathering up a few things and tidying up the kitchen, Lola went out onto her deck and sat in a chair with a glass of iced tea. Her grey hair was pulled up into a bun hidden underneath a large hat. The girl next door noticed her and waved with a smile, causing her ample chest to jiggle as she did so. Lola waved back, again with a bit of regret and a bit of distaste. 

“Girls these days…” she muttered under her breath. “Why, If I was her age I would never dress so revealing.” Her neighbor’s names were Wynn and Peter. And where she thought Peter was a nice boy, she somehow knew that Wynn and her grandson had fooled around during his stay here. The thought of it angered and, if she was being truly honest with herself, made her longing worse. 

Ever since they moved to Timber Grove she was surrounded by reminders of the body she once had in her youth, and how she and her husband use to… she blushed just thinking of it. The 70’s was a time of free love, but for Lola and her husband it was more like “Free Lust”. They had been to swinger parties where they had watched each other make love to strangers, while their bed had been shared by many men and women.

On their Honeymoon her husband suggested they invite the lovely waitress from the bar into their bed. At first Lola was unsure, but after a few hours in bed with a lithe polynesian girl she was more than happy.

Her husband had always helped her push her sexual boundaries, and even at her age she did not regret one moment. The only thing she regretted was losing her husband...

Not wanting to continue her sad streak of mopping outside in the presence of some little sexpot, Lola decided to return inside and get something a little harder to drink. As she entered the kitchen she slipped on a spot of water and her legs flew up and out from under her. As she fell, she reached for a shelf, with the end result being a set of nice china falling to the ground with her.

“Dammit!” She yelled to no one in particular. She was only in her mid 60’s, but it hurt like hell all the same. Tears began to fill her eyes, as the events of the afternoon flooded over her. She tried to fight them back, but they came all the same.

Then something happened.

A soft green glow engulfed her, and for a moment she felt no pain. Of course, at the same time she began to think that on top of the fall she was now having a stroke. Then she felt something different, something warm. It washed over her and flooded through her. She closed her eyes hard, scared at what was happening, yet she made no sound.

The green light faded, and Lola lay on the floor… eyes still closed tight.

“Mrs. Fresco, is everything alright!?” Lola’s eyes shot open and the sound of Wynn’s voice. “Mrs. Fresco!?” Lola tried to call out that she was fine, but found her throat parched to the degree she couldn’t speak. She put her hand to her throat, and that’s when she realized something was wrong.

The hand in front of her belonged to a man.

Lola looked down and was startled to see a very naked man’s body. Muscles and hair had replaced her soft feminine skin, and that was before her eyes fixated on the new member hanging from her crotch.

“Mrs. Fresco, I heard a crash! Do you need help!?”

“Um…” her voice was coming back, “I’m fine.” Oh no… she had the voice of a man, and it was a voice she didn’t recognize… not at first.

“Oh, Brian, is that you?” Lola heard the front door open and panicked. She was somehow in the body of her grandson, completely naked with her neighbor about to find her. She saw her grandsons trunks still slung over a chair and leapt for them and pulled them up before Wynn entered the room. “Oh, I thought you left.”

Lola was panting, and said nothing as Wynn entered the room. For a second she was angry that this girl would enter her house without permission, then she was angry that she was dripping water on the floor.

“Brian, are you okay?”

“Yeah…(cough) I just slipped…” As Lola said the words, she did a quick check if she was okay. As she stood there with her neighbor eyeballing her curiously she decided that she was okay. In fact, all of the pain she had felt was gone. Not only that, her back felt relief for the first time and her knee didn’t throb.

“Are you sure? You seem a little off?” Wynn was closing the distance between them, and Lola tried to back away. A big smile crossed her face as she got closer. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I’m good.” Lola stared at the young woman in front of her. Large breasts were being held up by a small green bikini top, while an even smaller black piece of fabric covered her plump bottom. Blue eyes stared out from beneath a wave of wet, brown hair, and Lola was confused at the look she was getting.

“Well let’s sit you down, just in case.” Wynn grabbed her(his?) hand and led him to the sitting room. She sat down and patted the seat next to her. Lola didn’t know what to do, but felt it was better to just appease this girl’s concern and be gone with her. “Is your grandma here?”

Lola thought fast. If he said yes, she might want to see her. If he said no… well, Lola could not think of a downside. “She just stepped out before I fell.”

“So she’ll be gone for a while?”

“Um, sure.”

“Well, that should be enough time for me to nurse you back to health.” Wynn said it with a little giggle as she put her hand on Lola’s knee.

“Woah, I…”

“I know that you and Peter have something going on… but I think you just don’t know what you’re missing.” Her hand was travelling up Lola’s thigh as she spoke, and Lola was awash with thoughts. Not only was this little hussy throwing herself at him, but apparently her grandson Brian was gay. She was frozen with shock and disbelief.

Well, most of her was frozen.

“Oh, what do we have here?” Wynn was looking down at the massive erection straining from Lola’s shorts. Lola could not believe such a feeling was possible, nor did she think she would be able to bare it much longer. She was upset with herself for allowing this little tart to cause it, yet it begged for attention.

“You don’t understand, Wynn. I’m…” is all Lola could say before Wynn’s hand slipped into his trunks and freed his new cock.

“Gay is just a word, Brian,” she said as she worked her hand up and down his shaft, “and Peter doesn’t have to know about this.”

“I… Oh, God…” Lola was mortified at what was happening, but she could not deny that this young girl stroking her new manhood felt incredible. Without any warning, Wynn leaned over and kissed him hard on the mouth. It had been over 2 years since Lola had kissed someone, and he found himself melting into this young girls mouth. Soon, his tongue began exploring her mouth as well, doing something he had never done with his dead husband.

He paused as he thought about Stefon… and what he would think of his predicament. He had often told Lola that he would love to switch places and experience sex as a woman. Now here Lola was with the tables reversed. 

“Brian, don’t feel like you’re taking advantage of me or cheating on Peter.” Her hand then guided his own up to her tits, “Think of this as simply an exploration…” 

Lola’s thoughts were swept away and he began to rub Wynn’s tits absent mindedly. The felt so soft in his hands, and when she removed her top his fingers began to tweak her tiny pink nipples. 

“Oh, Brian, are you sure you’re gay?” She said between soft moans and giggles. She continued to work his shaft, and Lola felt the pressure building up. He shut his eyes as the pressure seem to become too much, and that’s when he felt Wynn’s mouth take all of him in. Almost immediately he exploded in her mouth, cumming in waves that were accompanied by shocks running all over his body.

“Holy Fuck!” Lola yelled as Wynn sucked all the semen she could off his still hard cock. Lola hadn’t sworn in years, not since that night Stefon had come home with two local football players. Lola had never been with three men before that night, yet this was almost as stimulating.

“See, I knew you had it in you,” Wynn said it with a smirk, before biting her lower lip and looking down again, “and it looks like you have more.” A few moments later her bikini bottom was tossed aside with his trunks, and they were laying completely naked on the carpet.

For a moment Lola just stared at the sexy woman laying next to him. Soft, sunkissed skin for days and supple curves to match. Her smile caused emotions to stir deep inside of him, while her stare caused a very primal reaction. No words were said as Lola slid on top of Wynn and thrust his new cock into her.

Animal grunts is all that could be heard as Wynn wrapped her legs around Lola, pulling him deeper inside her. He had never felt anything like this before, and each thrust felt better than the last. 

“Yes! Fuck me, Luke!” Wynn shouted before screaming in pleasure.

Luke? Lola thought of why this sexy young thing would call her that. It made her think of the first time she had fucked someone else in front of her husband. His name was Luke, and he was a good friend of Stefons. After being blindfolded, Stefon led Lola to believe he was kissing and massaging her pussy. The mystery was gone once Lola was penetrated by a cock that did not belong to Stefon. Once he removed the blindfold, Lola allowed Luke to continue to thrust in and out as Stefon watched from across the room.

The sound of her screaming this name and the memory it brought made him thrust with even more conviction. Soon Luke had turned her over and was taking her from behind. He ran one hand over the curve of her ass, loving the way it felt. He gave her a little smack, causing her to look back over her shoulder with an amused look.

This drove him faster, and he grabbed her hips as he steadily pounded away. “Fuck! Right there! Fuck me! Ohhhhh, God!” She was gripping his shaft hard as orgasm after orgasm washed over her. “I’m cumming!!! Oh, God I’m cumming!!!”

“Fuck, I’m close…” Luke said, feeling that familiar pressure build up.

“Cum with me! Cum with me!” She shouted as she pushed her round ass hard against him. He pushed as deep as he could and they came together in a mix of shouts and expletives. He pulled her up and grabbed both of her tits as he finished unloading inside of her. Wynn cocked her head around and gave him a deep kiss, and the smile she wore did not fade as they lied on the ground together for a moment.

Luke’s fingers circled her niples, causing her to gasp as they lay in eachothers arms. “I’ve been waiting to do that for a long time… ever since that night in Rio,” Wynn whispered in his ear.

“Me too,” Luke said as he kissed her neck. “You said it… wait...” He looked over at the sexy woman laying next to him, taking every inch in up to the smirk she was wearing. “No…”

“I’ve missed you…” Wynn said as she began to tear up.

“Stefon?” Wynn simply nodded before they locked in eachothers embrace once more, only this time instead of two young strangers they embraced as long loss lovers. “How,” Luke asked in between kisses.

“I’m so sorry, I’ve wanted to tell you ever since we moved in.”

“But you were lost at sea,” Luke asked as he helped her up and moved to the couch.

“No… I had to leave for the spell to take hold. I never thought it would take two years away from you, but I knew another lifetime together would be worth it.”


“Yes, that’s where Peter and Brian came into play… That’s why I moved us here to Timber Grove. You see, Peter knows some magic and when Brian learned what he could do he came to me with it.” Wynn stood up and began pacing, and Luke couldn’t help but stare at her perfectly plump bottom as she did so. “The spell relies on separation to work, and we set sail for Italy, which explains how my body got so… are you even listening?” She asked with a mischievous smile.

“Yes… you’re body.” Luke said dismissively.

“Regardless of everything… Are you okay with this?” Wynn was now directly in front of him. Luke stared at the female form in front of him, taking it all in with the knowledge that his once thought dead husband was inside it.

“Are you okay with this?” Luke asked as he motioned to the eleven inch cock in between his thighs, which was once again throbbing for attention.

“Oh, God yes.” Wynn added before leaping on top of him once more. “I’ve been a woman for almost a week, and I’ve been wanting this so bad.”

“How does it feel?” Luke asked before sliding back into her.

“Nothing… Fuck! Nothing compares!” She leaned down and kissed him again, this time more lovingly than before. As the room filled with more shouts and screaming, Luke couldn’t help but think about what this all meant. What would they tell all of their children? What would they tell their friends?

But none of that mattered. Lola and Stefon were reunited again, and as Luke and Wynn they would have another lifetime to figure everything out.

///// THE END


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