The Honeymoon

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The Honeymoon
a Timber Grove Story
By TGTrinity


Roger Powers sat at the bar of the Coho Resort and sipped on his scotch. He wore a tuxedo with his bow tie untied, looking like a telethon host in the final hours of the night. His eyes never raised above his glass, and people in the crowded bar generally gave him a wide birth.

"Get you another, buddy?" The bartender was trying to be jovial, having dealt with many men in his long career in a very similar slump. Roger looked up from his glass and saw a man smiling back at him with "Barry" written on his name tag.

"Yeah, keep 'em coming."

Barry obliged and soon Roger was four drinks deep before he spoke again.

"It's my wedding night..."

"Congratulations," Barry said as he filled the fifth glass. "Who's the lucky lady?"

Roger pulled out an invitation he had pocketed as a memento and showed it to Barry. "Damn. I've had at least seven gentlemen ask about your new wife, she is stunning."

It was true, and Barry knew it. Upstairs in the Honeymoon Suite was the most beautiful woman he had ever met. Of course, it was not always the case.

"She IS gorgeous, but you should have seen her when I met her... she weighed 280 pounds."

"You're kidding me?"

"Nope. I'm a trainer at the gym she started at. Even at that weight, she had an amazing attitude and I wanted her to succeed more than anyone else I had worked with. It took 2 years, but she became the envy of every woman in the gym... and we fell in love." Roger quickly downed the glass in front of him and motioned for another.

"That's a wonderful story," Barry filled the glass to the top, "but that doesn't explain why she is upstairs and you are down here."

"Well, you see..." Roger contemplated drinking, but thought better of it, "Sandy had been fat for all of her life and was ashamed of her body. Even after she lost all of the weight she never really showed off, she was still the bashful girl who first stepped into the gym. We've been together for over a year now, and the sex is just terrible."

"With a body like hers, I bet most guys would be happy just being with her, if you understand my meaning."

"There's... no adventure... no thrills. It's like a business transaction with her. I love her to death, and I know that she loves me... I just want there to be a spark tonight."

Barry looked at Roger for a long time before talking. "Roger, you are six drinks into the night and your beautiful bride is waiting for you in your suite."

"How did you know my name..."

"Now, I bet that if you go up there right now you'll find that spark you're looking for."

" Roger?" Barry ignored him and continued on.

"But Roger, I will reiterate that any man would be happy to be with your wife. You should be happy with your wife, whatever your sex life is. Sometimes what little we think we get is enough."

"It's my wedding night! I don't want it to be another transaction." Roger downed his last glass of scotch and got up.

"Alright, Roger... you're Sandy will be waiting for you and that spark of yours."

"You better believe it!" Roger said as he dropped some cash on the bar and left the room.

Barry only shook his head and counted the money in front of him. "A man who cannot appreciate what he has right in front of him will never be fulfilled..."

Roger exited the elevator and staggered to his suite and opened the door. On the bed was his beautiful bride, Sandy. Her black hair hung in ringlets around her face and she was still in her wedding dress, her sea blue eyes fixed on the television.

"Sandy, my beautiful bride..."

Sandy looked up and smiled, pausing the television. "Honey, where have you been?"

"I was just having a conversation with some of the hotel employees."

"Great..." she said, smiling and patting the bed next to her.. In front of him was every man's dream girl. Her long toned body tanned by countless hours running on the beach. Her dress covered her breasts, but they were the one part of her body that had not lost any weight. She could have been a model, actress... or a porn star. Roger sighed at that thought, knowing that she had never even seen a porno, let alone be willing to try anything contained therein. In her own mine the sex must have been good enough, but not for Roger...

"I'm gonna take a shower real quick..."

"Are you sure? Don't you wanna..."

Roger couldn't believe it, she wouldn't even say "fuck".

"Don't you want to fuck me?" She asked as a wicked smile crossed her face.

He didn't know what to say, besides the obvious. "Wait, what?"

"Don't you want to fuck your new bride?" She was now off of the bed and walking towards him, her hips swinging like a bell.

"What's gotten into you?" Roger asked as he backed up a little. He was completely taken off guard by his wife's behavior, and was unable to function properly.

"Nothing has gotten into me, yet," she said as she grabbed his cock. She then leaned up and kissed him hard on the mouth. He quickly gave into her and kissed her back, only to have her pull away as she put her hands on his shoulders and walked him to the bed. With a playful push she sat him on the edge of the bed as she walked to the center of the room.

"Do you want my to dance for you, lover?"

"God yes!" Roger said as he began to remove his tux.

She said nothing as she ran her hands over her wedding dress and began to swing her hips. For the next few minutes Roger watched as his once timid bride slowly stripped out of her wedding dress. She moved in ways she had never done before, and Roger felt as if he might cum without her touching him at all.

When she was only wearing her panties, a bra and garter belt she got on her hands and knees and began to crawl towards him. Roger was only in his boxers now, and he was harder than he had ever been in his life. He watched as her large breasts swayed underneath her as she crawled, and the anticipation only grew when she glanced up with a look of pure wanton desire on her pretty little face.

"What do you want me to do now? Do you want me to suck your big, hard cock?"

Roger could only nod, as he had always wanted his wife to talk dirty to him. She pulled down his boxers and took his cock in her mouth. She then gave him the greatest blow job he had ever had, making him cum deep in her throat.

"Fuck! I'm cumming!" She typically made him finish on her tits, but she clamped down and took it all. "Fuck! That was amazing!"

She smiled at him as she undid her bra and brought her tits up to his limp cock. "You want me to rub my titties on your poor little dick?"

She was playfully mocking him now, and he loved it. "Yeah, fuck me with your titties." She smiled as she began rubbing her tits up and down his shaft. His cock was brought back to life immediately, and once she saw that she climbed on top of him.

"Fuck me, baby! My pussy needs your cock!"

Roger just laid on his back and watched as his lovely wife bounced up and down on his cock. He reached his hands up and began to rub his wife's tits, much to her satisfaction.

"Oh, yeah! Rub my titties, Roger!"

"God, you're so tight tonight!"

"It's because of your big fucking cock, lover! Your big cock is going so fucking deep!"

She then began to rotate her hips on top of him, making him feel like he was going to explode. "I'm gonna cum soon!" Sandy then took him as deep as she could inside her and stopped. "Why did you stop," Roger asked, confused by the suddenness of it all.

"You have to ask nicely." As she said it she leaned down and pressed her tits against his chest.

"Will you fuck me?" Roger asked, playing the game

"You have to say please," she said as she began to nibble his ear.

"Will you fuck me, please?"

"What do you want me to fuck?"

"My cock."

"And what do you want me to fuck it with?"

"I want you to fuck my big cock with your tight pussy."

"Yes, sir," she said with a wicked grin. She then raised herself back up before placing her hands on his chest and continued to fuck him. Roger had never seen her get into it this much, and it pushed him right over the edge. "I'm cumming!"

"Me too! Me too!!! Cum with me! Cum with meeeeee!"

He did cum with her, and shortly after they collapsed onto the bed. Their bodies were covered in sweat and she pulled herself close to him, feeling the most satisfied she had ever felt.

1 comment: Leave Your Comments

  1. Very nice set up. I can't wait to see the twist, but I'm sure its coming . . . lol

